Marie Charpentier

Marie Charpentier

Research Director

I work on the evolution of sociality in primate societies using long-term, individual-centered data. Since 2012, I have been running a field station in southern Gabon (Parc de la Lékédi, Bakoumba) to study the world's only natural population of habituated mandrills. In this population, I study the main determinants of social relationships, such as kinship or individual parasite status, as well as the proximal factors that regulate these relationships.

The social microbiome: The missing mechanism mediating the sociality-fitness nexus?

Chez de nombreux mammifères sociaux, la vie sociale précoce et l’intégration sociale à l’âge adulte...

The Mandrillus Project

The Mandrillus project ( is studying the socio-ecology of the only habituated population of wild mandrills...

Stillbirth of a mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx) in the wild: perinatal behaviors and delivery sequences

Birth is a fundamental event in the lives of animals, including our own...

69 documents

Contact Info

Specialty Primatology, Mandrills, Sociality
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