HDR defense Alexandra Alvergne | "Écologie Évolutive de la Santé des Femmes : Approche Bioculturelle" (Evolutionary Ecology of Women's Health: A Biocultural Approach)

Université de Montpellier Place Eugène Bataillon - Salle de Cours 23-01 - Bâtiment 23 Place Eugène Bataillon, Montpellier, France

Abstract: The evolutionary ecology of women's health: a biocultural approach Is being a woman a disease? This provocative question highlights the traditional pathologization of the female reproductive function in Western biomedicine since the 19th century. Recently, the social sciences have issued a call to move beyond 'bikini' research, i.e. to [...].

Microbiota Social Club | Alice Baniel

La Barbote 1 Rue des deux Ponts, Montpellier, France

Did you know that almost 20% of our microbiota is acquired through our social interactions with the people we come into contact with? Yet little is known about the impact of this "social microbiota" on our health. Let's delve into the world of primates to understand just how crucial the exchange of microbes between social partners is for our survival [...].

Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale Awards Ceremony | Comité Languedoc-Roussillon / Montpellier | Alexandra Alvergne

Montpellier City Hall 1 place georges freche, Montpellier, France

The Occitanie / Languedoc-Roussillon committee of the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale will be rewarding researchers from Montpellier and our region at the Laureates evening, in all the therapeutic fields supported by the Foundation in 2022 and 2023. By adopting a multidisciplinary approach, the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale funds research projects [...].

Co-evolution of behavior and beliefs in social dilemmas: estimating material, social, cognitive and cultural determinants - Sergey Gavrilets

Université Montpellier Campus Triolet ISEM Salle Louis Thaler Bât 22 1st floor Place Eugène Bataillon, Montpellier, Languedoc Roussillon, France

Understanding and predicting human cooperative behavior and beliefs dynamics remain a major challenge both from the scientific and practical perspectives. Because of the complexity and multiplicity of material, social and cognitive factors involved both empirical and theoretical work tend to focus only on some snippets of the puzzle. Recently, a mathematical theory has been proposed [...]