Childhood evolution and foraging skills / Ilaria Pretelli / IAST

Université Montpellier Campus Triolet ISEM Salle René Lavocat Bât 22 RDC ISEM - Batiment 22 - Place Eugène Bataillon, Montpellier, Languedoc Roussillon

Our species' long childhood is hypothesized to have evolved as a period for learning complex foraging skills. Researchers have focused on assessing this hypothesis, yet studies present inconsistent conclusions regarding the [...]

Evolutionary Anthropology Team Seminar - Cécile Sarabian / Disease risk perception, disgust and their applications

Université Montpellier Campus Triolet ISEM Salle Louis Thaler Bât 22 1st floor Place Eugène Bataillon, Montpellier, Languedoc Roussillon, France

Risk perception - or an individual's susceptibility to perceive a threat (e.g. disease, predator, competitor) - has shaped the physiology, cognition, behavior and ecology of animals for millions of years. [...]

Annual Conference of the European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association

Cité des Arts - Montpellier - France 13 Avenue du professeur Grasset, Montpellier, France

The European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association (EHBEA) brings together international researchers from the evolutionary sciences and the humanities, who are interested in physiological and behavioural adaptations [...].

150€ à 310€

Wild orangutan gut microbiomes across a shifting nutritionallandscape - Rebecca Brittain - Nsf Sbe Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Yale & Jagiellonian University

Université Montpellier Campus Triolet ISEM Salle René Lavocat Bât 22 RDC ISEM - Batiment 22 - Place Eugène Bataillon, Montpellier, Languedoc Roussillon

Wild orangutans inhabit extremely variable dietary environments with fluctuations in fruit availability that cause significant changes in their dietary compositions and total caloric intake. Many studies on mammals and primates [...]

HDR defense Alexandra Alvergne | "Écologie Évolutive de la Santé des Femmes : Approche Bioculturelle" (Evolutionary Ecology of Women's Health: A Biocultural Approach)

Université de Montpellier Place Eugène Bataillon - Salle de Cours 23-01 - Bâtiment 23 Place Eugène Bataillon, Montpellier, France

Abstract: The evolutionary ecology of women's health: a biocultural approach Is being a woman an illness? This provocative question highlights the traditional pathologization of the reproductive function [...].

Microbiota Social Club | Alice Baniel

La Barbote 1 Rue des deux Ponts, Montpellier, France

Did you know that almost 20% of our microbiota is acquired through our social interactions with the people we meet? However, the impact of this "social microbiota" on our health [...].

Co-evolution of behavior and beliefs in social dilemmas: estimating material, social, cognitive and cultural determinants - Sergey Gavrilets

Université Montpellier Campus Triolet ISEM Salle Louis Thaler Bât 22 1st floor Place Eugène Bataillon, Montpellier, Languedoc Roussillon, France

Understanding and predicting human cooperative behavior and beliefs dynamics remain a major challenge both from the scientific and practical perspectives. Because of the complexity and multiplicity of material, social and [...]

MEEDIN's "Newcomers Day

Université Montpellier Campus Triolet ISEM Salle Louis Thaler Bât 22 1st floor Place Eugène Bataillon, Montpellier, Languedoc Roussillon, France

This 13th scientific day is dedicated to presenting the research of recently recruited permanent researchers working on the ecology and evolution of host-parasite interactions and health in Montpellier. [...]