SEEM Seminar- Food insecurity and obesity: Unpacking the paradox Food insecurity describes the state where an individual's access to food is restricted or uncertain. In humans, at least in Western [...]
Evolution of reproductive seasonality: a multiscale investigation in mammals Reproductive seasonality is a major adaptation to seasonal cycles that consists in temporally grouping reproductive events, [...].
SEEM Seminar - The evolution of voice communication is the result of multiple selection pressures, among which social life plays an important role. Indeed, different types of information are [...]
Sexual bulges in primates have long sparked debate about their function - do they reliably indicate female fertility, or do they deceptively blur it [...].
Title and summary to come
"Orangutan life cycle: slow but sure" Among our closest relatives still in existence, the life of orangutans remains the least documented and understood, mainly because of the [...].
The expensive brain and the evolution of brain size Vertebrate brains vary considerably in size, and this variation is often attributed to different cognitive demands. Here, [...]
The expensive brain and the evolution of brain size Vertebrate brains vary considerably in size, and this variation is often attributed to different cognitive demands. Here, [...]
Frontiers in Social Evolution Seminar
In animal societies, control over resources and reproduction is often biased towards one sex. Such power asymmetries between the sexes largely shape male-female sexual and social relationships. In particular, males [...]