Nutrition and disease in humans

During the 20th century, a substantial change in diet took place in westernized countries. Industrialized foods were developed, with the introduction of highly processed refined products, especially refined carbohydrates (processed, rapidly absorbed carbohydrates, including starches and refined sugars such as sucrose, glucose, glucose-fructose syrup, fructose). Numerous studies have shown that the massive and recent consumption of these refined carbohydrates has deleterious effects on health, leading to multiple pathologies.
The fundamental objective of this project is to explore and understand - in order to better prevent - the effects of refined carbohydrates on multiple traits directly or indirectly related to health.
Concerning the traits directly related to health, we are interested in different pathologies for which the risk factor "refined carbohydrates" has been neglected, such as certain neurodegenerative diseases (in particular Alzheimer's disease) or myopia.
Concerning the other traits on which we are working, they are indirectly linked to health insofar as (i) they are strongly involved in social life and (ii) the importance of social relationships on health is now well recognized. We are interested in the attractiveness of the face, the voice, the body odor but also in the socio-economic behavior.


Gentreau,M., Raymond, M., Samieri, C., Chuy,V., Féart, C., Berticat,C.*, Artero, S.* 2022. Dietary glycemic load and plasma Amyloid-b biomarkers of alzheimer's disease. Nutrients, 14:2485 [*: equal contribution].

Gentreau, M., Reynes, C., Sabatier, R., Maller, J. J., Meslin, C., Deverdun, Le Bars, E., Raymond, M., Berticat,C.*, Artero, S.* 2022. Glucometabolic Changes Are Associated with Structural Gray Matter Alterations in Prodromal Dementia. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 1-10. [*: equal contribution].

Chuy, V., Gentreau, M., Artero, M., Berticat, C., Rigalleau, V., Pérès, K., Helmer, C., Samiéri, C., Féart, C. 2021. Simple carbohydrate intake and higher risk for physical frailty over 15 years in community-dwelling older adults. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, :

Berticat, C., Durand, V., Raymond, M. 2020. Refined carbohydrate consumption and facial attractiveness. Evolutionary Psychology, 18:1-10.

Berticat, C., Mamouni, S., Ciais, A., Villain, M., Raymond, M., Daien, V. 2020. Probability of myopia in children with high refined carbohydrates consumption in France. BMC Ophthalmology, 20:337.

Gentreau, M., Chuy, V., Féart, C., Samieri, C., Ritchie, K., Raymond, M., Berticat, C.*, Artero, S.*2020. Refined carbohydrate-rich diet is associated with long-term risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease in apolipoprotein E e4 allele carriers. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 16:1043-1053 [ * : equal contribution].

Gentreau, M., Raymond, M., Chuy, V., Samieri, C., Féart, C., Berticat, C.*, Artero, S.* 2020. High glycemic load is associated with cognitive decline in apolipoprotein E e4 allele carriers. Nutrients, 12:3619 [ * : equal contribution].