Elise Huchard

Elise Huchard

Research Director

I am interested in the evolution of mammalian social and mating systems. At the interface between sexual and kin selection, a major focus of my work explores the causes and consequences of reproductive and life-history strategies in mammalian societies using observational and experimental data, mainly in the context of long-term individual-centered studies.

My research examined the evolution of sexual signals, mating choice, mating with multiple partners (polyandry), and reproductive competition in females from natural populations of primates and other social mammals.

I am currently working specifically on sexual conflict, as well as genetic and social influences on development, growth, and immunity in the context of life history trait theory, occasionally using quantitative genetic tools or comparative studies, and using Tsaobis baboons, Kirindy lemurs, Kalahari meerkats, and Bakoumba mandrills as my primary models (see attached figure).

Tsaobis Baboon Project

The Tsaobis Baboon Project is a long-term study (>20 years) of a population of...

The ecology of sexual coercion and of male-female power asymmetries in primates : Elise Huchard | Frontiers in Social Evolution (FINE) online seminar series

The ecology of sexual coercion and of male-female power asymmetries in primates : Elise Huchard...


The Anthropologie Evolutive team is conducting two long-term field programs on natural populations of...

Interview with Elise Huchard - France Culture - Wednesday, March 05, 2024 4pm

Elise Huchard is a guest on "CQFD", a program dedicated to all sciences...

53 documents

  • Elise Huchard, Mylene Weill, Michel Raymond, Leslie Knapp, Guy Cowlishaw. Polymorphism, haplotype composition, and selection in the Mhc-DRB of wild baboons. Immunogenetics, 2008, 60 (10), pp.585-598. ⟨10.1007/s00251-008-0319-x⟩. ⟨hal-01945504⟩
  • Elise Huchard, Michel Martinez, Haoues Alout, Emmanuel J.P. Douzery, Georges Lutfalla, et al.. Acetylcholinesterase genes within the Diptera: takeover and loss in true flies. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2006, 273 (1601), pp.2595-2604. ⟨10.1098/rspb.2006.3621⟩. ⟨hal-01945529⟩
  • Elise Huchard, Guy Colishaw, Michel Raymond, Mylène Weill, L.A. Knapp. Molecular study of Mhc-DRB in wild chacma baboons reveals high variability and evidence for transspecies inheritance. Immunogenetics, 2006, 58 (10), pp.805-816. ⟨10.1007/s00251-006-0156-8⟩. ⟨halsde-00184690⟩


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