Clément Mettling

Research Scientist

I have acquired a background in molecular biology by working on various topics including neurodegenerative diseases and AIDS. My current project in the human evolutionary biology team focuses on adaptation to risk. We have recently shown a genetic selection of the dopamine receptor DRD4 in a volcanic area. We would like to confirm this result in other volcanoes, and conduct a genomic study to characterize other loci involved in risk taking.


11 documents

  • Solène Debaisieux, Simon Lachambre, Antoine Gross, Clément Mettling, Sébastien Besteiro, et al.. HIV-1 Tat inhibits phagocytosis by preventing the recruitment of Cdc42 to the phagocytic cup. Nature Communications, 2015, 6 (1), pp.6211. ⟨10.1038/ncomms7211⟩. ⟨hal-02146268⟩
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Clément Mettling

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