Eve Davidian - Prix Jeunes Chercheurs 2024 - French Society of Ecology
Eve Davidian (ISEM Montpellier), appointed by...
Deuil animal : six pattes sous terre - Interview with Elise Huchard - Podcast La Science, CQFD - France Culture
Whales and primates are...
First episode of the "My Endo on Waves" series - S01E01: Developmental Origins of Endometriosis (EnDOHAD) with Dr Alexandra Alvergne (CNRS)
First episode of the "Mon...
9.9 M to support Montpellier researchers shaping the health of the future / Alexandra Alvergne works on the risks of endometriosis
The Foundation for Medical Research...
Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale Awards Ceremony | Alexandra Alvergne
Foundation Prize-winners Evening...
From reproductive control to social empowerment: Lessons from female spotted hyenas : Eve Davidian | Frontiers in Social Evolution (FINE) online seminar series
From reproductive control to social empowerment:...
The ecology of sexual coercion and of male-female power asymmetries in primates : Elise Huchard | Frontiers in Social Evolution (FINE) online seminar series
The ecology of sexual coercion and...
People who eat a breakfast rich in refined carbohydrates are considered less attractive...
According to a study... press article...
Interview with Elise Huchard - France Culture - Wednesday, March 05, 2024 4pm
Elise Huchard invited to...
Menstrual disorders, a public health issue
Large international online survey reveals prevalence of premenstrual syndrome...