Nikolaos Smit


heterosexual relationships. Using observational and experimental data from the sole habituated wild population of mandrills, my work aims to shed some light on the determinants of primate's social relationships, sexual conflict and hierarchical structures' shaping.

I am a graduate of a five year-long Integrated Master's program in Biology, the last year of which, I investigated the role of inter-individual differences of acoustic communication signals in sexual selection. I have, moreover, graduated from the inter-institutional graduate program Algorithms, Logic and Discrete Mathematics, in the context of which, I attempted to combine the acquired knowledge of Theoretical Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science with my background on animal social behaviour, by examining the contributions of graph (network) theory and algorithms to its study. Currently, within Mandrillus Project, I make use of interdisciplinary insights in the investigation of the cooperative and coercive nature of socio-sexual relationships linking the sexes.


Nikolaos Smit

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