In animal societies, control over resources and reproduction is often biased towards one sex. Such power asymmetries between the sexes largely shape male-female sexual and social relationships. In particular, males often coerce females in reproductive contexts, but also in other contexts. Yet, the ecological and evolutionary underpinnings of male-female power asymmetries remain poorly understood. In […]
Our species’ long childhood is hypothesized to have evolved as a period for learning complex foraging skills. Researchers have focused on assessing this hypothesis, yet studies present inconsistent conclusions regarding the connection between niche complexity, the development of foraging skill development, and ecological knowledge . I will present three studies addressing this hypothesis using both cross cultural […]
Invitée dans le cadre du programme "CQFD" émission dédiée à toutes les sciences, et à leurs problématiques éthiques, politiques, économiques et sociétales qui font l’actualité. Inverview à propos du livre de Lucy Cooke : « Bitch. Le pouvoir des femelles dans le monde animal ».
Risk perception – or an individual's susceptibility to perceive a threat (e.g. disease, predator, competitor) – has shaped the physiology, cognition, behavior and ecology of animals for millions of years. While a lot of research has focused on lethal threats (i.e. predation), only recently have we increased our understanding of how animals, and more particularly […]